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News provided by Beijing Bureau of Culture and Tourism

베이징 문화관광국 당 비서 동첸(오른쪽)이 호주 이그나이트 트래블 창립자 겸 전무이사 랜달 디어에게 상을 수여했다


[uhaktimes]The Second “Beijing Tourism Global Distribution Partnership Summit” was held at the Olympic Tower in Beijing on August 27,2019. The summit is sponsored by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism. It aims to assist the construction of the cultural centers and international exchanges centers throughout the country and push forward the “going abroad” of culture and “introducing in” of tourism. A total of 60 overseas famous tourism agencies from Beijing’s major guest source countries such as the US, Japan, UK and Germany. Representatives from 60 travel agencies in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province and 30 medias, and representatives from 40 resource entities including hotels in the tourism resorts participated the summit. Jun Wang, Deputy Secretary General of Beijing Municipal Government, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Dong Chen, Party Secretary of Beijing Bureau of Culture and Tourism, awarded the plates for the 30 candidated overseas partners this year. Yu Song, Director General of the bureau, awarded the prize for five enterprises winning the excellent overseas promotion plan award.

The implementation of “Beijing Tourism Overseas Promotion Partnership Plan” was started in 2018. It plans to spend three years to recruit 100 overseas famous tourism agencies as official partners to sustainably expand Beijing’s overseas publicity channels, promote the city’s culture and tourism resources to assist the construction of Beijing International Exchange Center.


In an interview, Pengcheng Cao, Deputy Director General of the bureau, said that the organizer would arrange overseas tourists to investigate Beijing’s culture-themed tourist resources and enable them to immerse themselves in these sources, such as experiencing China’s native brand hotel CHAO and leisure resort Gubei Waterside Town, binding traditional Chinese books in National Library, face-to-face communicating with China Acrobatics Troupe and watching the wonderful performance.

In the future, Beijing Bureau of Culture and Tourism will continue to make use of the platform to make efforts in the promotion of inbound market, bring new products of the city's culture and tourism resources to promote the international attraction of Beijing as a tourism destination.


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